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Green Key


We are Green Key GOLD certified.
For instance, we use energy and water sparingly, we have solar panels and solar boilers on the roof of our main buidling, we use environmentally friendly cleaning products as much as possible and we choose local and fair trade products.


As proof of our responsible actions, Hotel-Congrescentrum de Zeeuwse Stromen is Green Key Gold certified. This shows that we do everything we can to preserve the environment, without our guests compromising on comfort and quality.


Green Key is the international seal of approval for sustainable businesses in the leisure, recreation and business sectors. The Green Key standardisation is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030.


You too can contribute to this!
Towels on the floor means:
"I like to change these towels for new ones", 
Towels on the holder means:
"I will use these towels again!"


Future generations will thank us for the choices we make now!